How to order an Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave diplom?

Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave diplom
Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave diplom

Buy an Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave diplom. Order an fake Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave diploma. Buy a fake diploma. How to make a fake diploma online? Founded in 1940, the Bratislava University of Economics (EUBA) is the third oldest university in Slovakia and a leading public research university, internationally recognized in the fields of economics, business and management. It offers a wide range of study programs at all study levels. The quality education is closely linked to business and is highly internationalized through an extensive network of partners.

According to external evaluations, EUBA graduates are in high demand on the job market, with an employment rate close to 100%.

Since its founding, the Bratislava University of Economics has undergone various changes in terms of name, focus, research content, and organizational structure.

The university’s founding dates back to October 1940, when the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the towns of Bratislava, Banská Bystrica and Prešov established a private business school (VOS) in Bratislava, which was granted the status of a public school by the government.

The fact that Czech universities (including the Business School in Prague, where Slovak students also received economic education) were closed in 1939 contributed to the need to establish a school with an economic focus in Slovakia. The Bratislava Business School used its name until the end of the academic year 1944/45. According to the Decree of the Slovak State Council No. 34/1945, the school was nationalized and renamed the Slovak Business School. From 1949 it was renamed the School of Economics. By Government Decree No. 40/1952 it was renamed the School of Economics and Economics (VSE). According to the Decree of the Slovak State Council No. 292/1992 of 28 April 1992 it was renamed the Bratislava University of Economics.










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